My New Book - It Started with Back Pain, and I Overcame it. Perimenopause, Hormone Hell, Fibroids, Cancer or Endometriosis?

Why is the surgeon telling me I only have one option? I don’t like that option.

I researched all night before each appointment. I called friends and medical support to learn more. I needed options and knowing them empowered me to make the right choice for my body. Once I knew my options I had to get out of the way to allow my body to heal. Yoga, acupuncture, medication, pelvic floor exercises, breath work; these helped me relax and heal.

Hysterectomies are THE MOST PROFITABLE surgery performed on women. Its not about the money, but sometimes it is. Endometriosis and adenomyosis are hormone disorders. Our hormones are controlled by the master hormone leptin. Why had I not heard of that before. How do I help my hormones?

It Started with Back Pain, and I overcame it.

My book is available on Amazon. The digital book is on sale until discounted until December 31st when the paperback edition launches.

