My New Book - It Started with Back Pain, and I Overcame it. Perimenopause, Hormone Hell, Fibroids, Cancer or Endometriosis?

My New Book - It Started with Back Pain, and I Overcame it. Perimenopause, Hormone Hell, Fibroids, Cancer or Endometriosis?

When the doctors keep telling me nothing was wrong. I felt far from good and the pain is so debilitating I can not even stand up. I had not of the typical symptoms of cancer or endometriosis. They saw fibroids but now they telling me its cancer.

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How It All Started

“You women are so strong” the surgeon told me. “you are anaemic, losing blood, mentally unsure  from stress and hormone disruption yet you continue to move forward. People see you as fine when you are so very far from it. I know you’re suffering and you are weak but when the hospital calls you have to sound weak.”  He pause.  “I mean it. You have to sound really weak or else you won’t get the surgery.” I laughed. I’d been suffering for so long with extreme blood loss it was ironic that he was telling me to “fake it”.  He continued. “ If men experienced the level of castration that you women experience every day, the medical profession would be turned on its head.” That statement meant nothing to me at the time he said. All I knew was that I need to get my haemoglobin above the surgery minimum at it was only 1 digit above. I had to keep it there until they took blood to assess my state prior to surgery. 

How do I start this story and make it appealing to you? My story is just that. Mine. What worked for me may not work for you but as I watch my three nieces grow, as I listen to my best friend’s daughter start her menarche (aka period), I see each of them taking similar steps I took which lead me to this point in my health where medicine has no other solution for women than simply “taking it out”. It, meaning uterus.